How do I customize the duration a worker uses for a service?

How do I customize the duration a worker uses for a service?

If you are looking to change the duration for a worker's service that will be used for all future clients, there are two ways to customize the duration:
  1. If your stylist has their own Level assigned, go to Setup > Setup Services > Setup Service and update the duration, then click Save. 
  2. If your stylist shares the Service Level assigned, go to Setup > Setup Workers > Worker Details > Services and click the pencil to edit for only this worker next to the service.  Enter the new duration and click Save on the pop up, then click Save again on the Worker Detail page. 
If you are looking to change the duration for a single service for a specific client, there are two ways to customize the duration:
  1. From the bottom of the Service on the Appointment Book, click and drag to extend the appointment to make it longer or shorter.
  2. Click on the Service, select Modify then click the Show Durations checkbox.  Update the durations and click Save.
If you would like this specific client to always be scheduled for this much time for this service whether booked instore or online, there are two ways to enable that setting:
  1. Click on the Service, select Modify then click the Show Durations checkbox.  Update the durations, click the Preferred Duration checkbox and click Save.
  2. Go to the Client's Card, click Appointments tab, find the Service / Worker Combination and click the Preferred Duration checkbox and click Save. 
Preferred Durations will only work for the selected Worker and Service combination.  If you enable Preferred Duration for a Haircut that is normally 30 minutes with Worker A to be 60 minutes, then when you book that service with Worker A it will be 60 minutes however, if you book a Haircut with Worker B it will be 30 minutes. 

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