If you are currently using a free email account, such as @yahoo.com, @aol.com, @gmail.com or @icloud.com, those domains will not allow you to use their email addresses to send bulk emails. Initially, your first emails may send however once you reach their limit, the emails will stop sending.
Enable to automatically send a Text and/or Email to the client when the appointment is booked.
From Email Address: Input business email address, preferably an email address the business owns the domain name for. Example: info@businessname.com. Using free email addresses like gmail, icloud, yahoo, sbcglobal, etc. will only work for a brief period due to their laws about using their email addresses for mass messaging.
From Email Name: Business name as desired to show in the recipient’s inbox instead of the email address.
Subject & Email Template: Create or edit a custom email to be sent to clients. Include items such as the client name, appointment time and services by selecting “Merge Field” above, and copy/paste the text into the Email Template field.
Merge Field: Click the drop down to show the code to copy/paste to input unique information like a Client Name, Appointment Date/Time, etc.
Subject: The subject text that will appear when the email is sent.
Email Template: Input the details of the message here, use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment and use copy/paste to add a logo to the email.
Text Template: Input the details of the message here and use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment.
If you are currently using a free email account, such as @yahoo.com, @aol.com, @gmail.com or @icloud.com, those domains will not allow you to use their email addresses to send bulk emails. Initially, your first emails may send however once you reach their limit, the emails will stop sending.
Enable to automatically send a Text and/or Email to the client for an upcoming appointment, by a specific number of hours or days.
Daily Reminders are sent at: Selecting a specific time will send all daily reminders at that time. This setting does not pertain to reminders scheduled to go out hours prior to the appointment. By not setting a preference, the system will send daily reminders as queued.
Reminder Options: Select the number of hours or days before the appointment to send.
From Email Address: Input business email address, preferably an email address the business owns the domain name for. Example: info@businessname.com. Using free email addresses like gmail, icloud, yahoo, sbcglobal, etc. will only work for a brief period due to their laws about using their email addresses for mass messaging.
From Email Name: Business name as desired to show in the recipient’s inbox instead of the email address.
Subject & Email Template: Create or edit a custom email to be sent to clients. Include items such as the client name, appointment time and services by selecting “Merge Field” above, and copy/paste the text into the Email Template field.
Merge Field: Click the drop down to show the code to copy/paste to input unique information like a Client Name, Appointment Date/Time, etc.
Subject: The subject text that will appear when the email is sent.
Email Template: Input the details of the message here, use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment and use copy/paste to add a logo to the email.
Text Template: Input the details of the message here and use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment.
Confirmation Page
The Confirmation Page allows you to customize the landing page when the client clicks the confirmation link to confirm their appointment. Consider adding details such as:
Nearby Construction
New Client Requests
Follow Up tab
The Follow Up tab is an exclusive feature for Advanced package users. The Follow Up notification will auto-send when an appointment with a service is completed. Consider adding your Surveys and/or Reviews to your message templates.
First, enable the checkbox for Send message after all completed appointments.
From Email Address: Input business email address, preferably an email address the business owns the domain name for. Example: info@businessname.com. Using free email addresses like gmail, icloud, yahoo, sbcglobal, etc. will only work for a brief period due to their laws about using their email addresses for mass messaging.
From Email Name: Business name as desired to show in the recipient’s inbox instead of the email address.
Subject & Email Template: Create or edit a custom email to be sent to clients. Include items such as the client name, appointment time and services by selecting “Merge Field” above, and copy/paste the text into the Email Template field.
Merge Field: Click the drop down to show the code to copy/paste to input unique information like a Client Name, Appointment Date/Time, etc.
Subject: The subject text that will appear when the email is sent.
Email Template: Input the details of the message here, use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment and use copy/paste to add a logo to the email.
Text Template: Input the details of the message here and use the Merge Fields to input unique information based on the client or appointment.
In January 2023, the Main Setup page will be getting a new look. The following tabs have been relocated from Setup Appointments & Emails as follows: Booking tab moved to Setup > Setup Company > Setup Booking Preferences Notifications, Reminders & ...
Click the Menu Icon (≡) and then click Setup > Setup Notifications & Reminders Click the Notifications tab Check the Enable Appointment Notifications box to turn on notifications From Text Tag: The entry in this field will show as the Sender name in ...
Setup Appointments and Emails In summary, the Setup Appointments & Emails area of the software will outline your appointment, communications, online booking and gift preferences. Booking Booking Interval: Identifies the intervals in minutes, ...
How do reminders work? Inspire's reminders can be setup for texting and emailing, the client can choose how they prefer to be contacted. When sending the reminders, your business can include a link to confirm the appointment. When the reminder is ...
SETUP WORKER PERMISSIONS GENERAL Businesses can create permission sets to allow or disable access to features within the software. Create a permission set and assign it to multiple workers or one worker. To create a permission set: Go to Setup > ...